Services Details

Meso Dental

Children's Dentistry

A healthy smile starts from childhood! That’s why we want to help all our young patients build good dental habits. Our children’s dentistry services are offered for children aged 18 years and below.

Eruption and Shedding of Baby Teeth

The lower front baby teeth will normally be shed first at around 6 to 7 years of age. Gradually, the rest of their baby teeth will be lost and replaced by adult teeth until around the age of 12. The last adult teeth to appear are the wisdom teeth, which only erupt during the late teens to early twenties. Including wisdom teeth, adults will have a total of 32 permanent teeth.

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Meso Dental

Eruption of Adult Teeth

If your child’s baby tooth has been knocked out or lost before their permanent tooth is ready to erupt, there is a risk of the surrounding teeth shifting and permanent teeth coming out misaligned. In such cases, we recommend placing space maintainers to prevent your child’s teeth from shifting before the permanent tooth erupts.

Tips for Parents

When should I start bringing my child to the dentist? As soon as your child's first teeth erupts. This is a good time to bring your child for their first dental check-up, where a gentle assessment and cleaning can be done. Introducing your child to a dentist from a young age can help your child get more comfortable with the experience too. It will also help us identify any dental issues from an early age and ensure proper growth of their jaw and teeth. This will reduce the likelihood of oral complications in the later part of their lives, so your child can have a happier and healthier childhood. If your child is under the age of two and you suspect that there are issues with his or her teeth, you may also bring your child for a checkup at Meso Dental.

Meso Dental

Our children’s dentistry services


Bacteria will hide in places we can’t reach, no matter how well we try to brush our teeth. That’s where the dentist comes in ...Read More

Fluoride Treatment

Bad bacteria and certain types of food produce acids that eat away at our tooth enamel, causing tiny, microscopic holes that weaken your tooth. ...Read More

Fissure Sealants

The deep grooves in your child’s molars easily trap food and bacteria that can cause decay. Fissure sealants are a flowable filling material that ...Read More


If your kids are eating a lot of sugary foods and do not have good tooth brushing habits, bacteria will build up and cavities ...Read More


Baby teeth will normally fall out on their own, but occasionally they might need some extra help making way for the permanent tooth. Sometimes, ...Read More

Space Maintainer

A space maintainer is a device that helps to maintain the gap between two teeth where another tooth should be. Metal bands ...Read More

What can I expect at my child’s dental appointment?

Your child’s appointment should last around 30mins. During this time, our dentists will do extraoral and intraoral examinations of their teeth and gums, as well as a gentle cleaning and polishing to remove any plaque and stains. Our dentist will advise you if fillings or more extensive treatment is necessary.

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Meso Dental

How often does my child need to see a dentist?

Just like adults, kids need to see a dentist regularly too. We encourage you to bring your child for a checkup every 6 months, so that any oral health issues can be nipped in the bud or avoided altogether.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do we need to take care of baby teeth if they are going to fall out?

    Although baby teeth will be lost eventually, they are still important to your child’s health. Losing baby teeth prematurely can result in misalignment of the surrounding teeth, which will affect the position of the permanent teeth in future. Decay and infection of baby teeth can also harm the unerupted permanent teeth below. Decayed and infected teeth will also cause pain and affect your child’s ability to eat and speak well.

  • What happens if my child’s baby teeth fall out too early?

    We have an excellent team of child specialists (Paediatric Dentists) who can manage the situation very well and treat the issue appropriately.