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Meso Dental

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment

Do you experience a shock of pain when taking hot or cold drinks? Do sweet or sour foods cause your teeth to tingle?
We know that these symptoms of tooth sensitivity can be a major annoyance. That's why we want to help you treat this issue.

More about tooth sensitivity treatment

Tooth sensitivity is a result of the exposure of dentine, the layer of the tooth that covers the nerve. This may occur due to a recession of gums, erosion of enamel layer, or tooth decay. If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, you may feel pain in your teeth when there is a fluctuation in temperature, or when you consume acidic foods.
It is best to consult your dentist to understand the cause behind your tooth sensitivity so that they can advise you on the kind of treatment you should go for depending on your condition.

Meso Dental

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do certain foods trigger my tooth sensitivity?

    When dentine is exposed, the nerves beneath are more easily triggered by external stimuli, such as changes in temperature or acidity. Hence, foods that affect these conditions will cause a shock in your teeth.

  • What can I do to prevent tooth sensitivity?

    Avoid aggressive brushing, as this will wear away enamel and your gums and expose the dentine below. If your teeth are already sensitive, using a toothpaste with sensitivity protection will help alleviate your symptoms.